Anaerobic Digestion / Biogas

Bolted tank technology

Biomass energy valorization projects have gained prominence in the search for sustainable alternatives that promote environmental sustainability. Bioenergy, derived from agricultural, forestry, urban and agro-industrial waste, is a renewable source that contributes to the production of renewable gases such as biogas and biomethane.

Biomass energy, Environmental sustainability - Sotanks

One of the most efficient methods for producing these gases is anaerobic digestion, which takes place in biodigesters (or fermenters).

These production units are designed to maximize energy efficiency by transforming biomass into usable energy. As well as generating energy, the waste from the process can be used as fertilizer, allowing nutrients to be recycled and increasing agricultural productivity.


Sotanks® digesters and fermenters offer the following advantages for your projects.

Long-lasting solution

The bolted digesters, made up of coated steel or stainless steel sheets, can last for more than 30 years.

High quality coating

The steel coatings are applied in factory, guaranteeing optimum and constant quality, giving the digester (or fermenter) a very high level of corrosion resistance, especially in the gaseous area.


The digesters are designed to withstand the climatic and seismic characteristics of each installation area, in accordance with the most demanding international standards (ISO 28765:2016, Eurocodes, DIN 1090, AWWA D103-19).

Modular design

The ‘bolted’ technology makes it possible to design cylindrical structures of significant height in all diameters. The modular design of Sotanks® structures makes it possible to build digesters with a volume up to 10.000m3.

Reduced transportation costs

The digesters are packed in kits on pallets and delivered to the site by truck or in containers for export projects.

Quick and easy installation

The digesters are installed ring by ring, by technicians equipped with specific assembly material (no need to work at height or use heavy construction equipment), using the bolting technique and allowing for quick and safe assembly.

Contact us now to find out more about our Anaerobic Digestion solutions and/or if you need technical support for your biogas and biomethane production project.

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